Practice experiments and theoretical notions strengthen your position
in Arts
For the researcher-artist-designer-educator-teacher, qualitative research is the primary research paradigm. Considering this paradigm within practice based research, the researcher explores a question without a set hypothesis. They seek to gain an in-depth insight into an experience, problem, or situation. (Cresswell, 2013)
Methodology & Method in Practice Based Research
Qualitative researchers
* look for the big picture
* Write an in depth descriptive overview of the research environment
* make multiple, often transdisciplinary connections
* allow things to unfold and emerge

*They listen to the views and opinions of participants.
*They have empathy.
*Research can take place in the classroom, in the field or community

A researcher in art education
* transcribes interviews
* sorts, sifts and filters through documentation to observe what bubbles to the surface
* Makes connections
* Further elaborates on these connections

In their writings:
They talk about how their own traits and background and how these shape their interpretations – interpretive. This reflexivity gives context to research understandings
They often describe personal experiences whilst in the field and writing takes on a more literary form, like storytelling.
They bring their documentations into their writings

Methodology is HOW you will answer your research question.
Methods/Practices are WHAT you do to collect your documentation.
“By ‘methodology’ I mean the logic, ethics, theories, and angle of approach that guide how I approach research and inform the various methods that I might use. This is me talking through the theories that inform how I think research-creation operates.” Sarah Truman
Methodology: theoretical orientation towards methods
method- way- approach- tools- techniques- tactics- strategies
Methodology and Method/Practices
Qualitative researchers and the actions of a researcher in art education

Methods or Practices?