Research Practices in Art Education can be considered an art of inquiry (Ingold, 2013) where knowledge grows from the multiple practices and interconnected ways of thinking- making- doing (Springgay & Truman, 2017)

Research within art education can be very diverse and eclectic, moving across and between disciplines. This workbook provides a guide in which to locate yourself as a researcher-artist-designer-educator-teacher, acknowledging the layers of knowledge you bring to your research both within, outside and along the borders of your own practice.
Research methodology can be responsive, personal, intuitive and often messy. This guide provides a way of relating your practice to something concrete.

The book is by no means exhaustive and recognises that there are many diverse, transdisciplinary approached to practice- based research, however it is hoped the reader will find comfort in the pages, launching points for the pursuit of their own voice and an activation and stirring of their own research directions.
From being in the thick of a research event to watching from the edges the following pages explore approaches and techniques of practice-based research.
Methodology: post-qualitative research, a/r/tography, arts-based educational research, walking practices, research creation, action research, participatory research, visual research...
Method: interview & observation, mapping, events & happenings, close reading...
What is explored?
Position ‘pedagogical acting’, contextual mapping with experiment
"By ‘methodology’ I mean the logic, ethics, theories, and angle of approach that guide how I approach research and inform the various methods that I might use. This is me talking through the theories that inform how I think research-creation operates.
e.g. an interview - but there are a lot of ways about how to do an interview".
Sarah Truman
Methodology: theoretical orientation towards methods
in Arts

This workbook was commissioned by Master of Education in Arts, Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University.
It was created by Mark Shillitoe (MEiA 2017- 2019)
Concrete poetry
Redact or delete text from a hotglue page- create a concrete poem from the residual text.
What is your angle of approach?